Ten Things I Learned from My Mom
On this year's Mother's Day, I'm feeling reflective and inspired by my mom. Growing up I was definitely the quintessential "father's daughter." From my father, I learned that family is love, not biology, and I learned how to laugh with and at life. With my dad there was always play and I saw how important that is to our spirits. My dad died before he could see me build this new company but I bet he would have been proud.
My mother, however, continues to inspire me with her choices and her actions. I woke up this morning thinking about how it is often our parents' actions, more than their words, which influence who we become.
Here are ten things I've learned from my mom. Thank you Mom. You're my hero and one of the strongest women I know. To my fellow readers, moms, friends... what have you learned from your moms?
1. Be resolute in your commitments
2. Speak up for what's right
3. Conventions can be ignored, follow your heart
4. Know the world, its smaller than you think
5. Care about others, human and animal
6. Your gender is not an excuse
7. Be flexible but don't break
8. Sundays are the best days to read books
9. Don't be afraid to try something new
10. Always wear sunscreen